Catherine Abel, an artist whose work and progress I respect, mentioned Bo Kitty in a newsletter, remarking on the difference Bo had made to her career. Experiencing a creative lull at the time, and knowing that doing the same thing over and over again fails to produce a different result, I emailed Bo.

A week later, I turned up for my Reality Check. My headspace felt dulled, creative energy levels stagnant while my social media skills were yet to enter the starting blocks. A few fumbled mutterings to introduce where I was at and within minutes she was on my case.

Bo started me at the very beginning with a very fast no frills introduction to Facebook. Her fingers flew across the keyboard. Within 30 minutes, the stubborn hesitancy I’d harboured around Facebook was dissolved most promptly. We wrote an action list and I was given homework, making a date to follow up with me by phone.

My Facebook page pinged all the way home. Time with Bo is no nursery rhyme fantasy.

portrait for Kitty

Bo arrives at the essence of what it takes to move you forward – fast. And brings you along with suggestions which are doable, effortless and make plain good sense. Her intent to enable your business to sing treble C sharp major rather than bass C sharp minor inspires and motivates me.

In the very short time Bo and I have been working together, I’ve posted regularly on Facebook, becoming immersed in what techniques produce a hit of consistent likes. With Bo’s encouragement and insights, I’m considering new career paths and confidently embracing talents and passions emerging from dulled creative senses.

After this tentative creative wandering, Bo is bringing me up to speed, in social media particularly and urging me forwards in her inimitable way. Finally, I’m having a go at this creative career business. I’m having fun: I’m excited and enlivened. It’s a reality check every which way.

Lindi Forde – Travel Writer and Photographer

0408 911 589

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