Does your home or workplace fill you with joy or dread?
Got piles of crap that you can’t sort out?
I work with you to clear your home or office of stagnant things, energy and negative vibes, and re-activate your space so that it’s a vibrant place designed for your needs that makes you go YES!
Do you merely inhabit a place instead of LIVING in it? Is your workplace cluttered or is there clear systems for storage, messaging and workflow? A Physical Space Reality Check might be what you need.
In person, eight-hour activation sessions are held at your home or office, and are intensive, covering past memory attachments, hoarding, future plans, health and wellbeing, workflow for employees, inventory systems, mindset coaching and any modality I may employ to re-energize and clear your space for a new chapter. In eight hours, we can usually complete – one room full of clutter, a small shed that is full of stuff and unusable, a small workshop or office, or a small house that is halfway there. It is all about how much stuff you have, and how much you are willing to let go of!
The work I do is not just ‘uncluttering’ although that is one obvious result. This is redefining our ‘stuff’ and our spaces, how we use them and how they make us feel. It’s soul clearing as well as throwing stuff out. Just think about it…STUFF CAN’T EVOLVE.
Many people are only half living in their spaces, they aren’t settled or they don’t think they deserve a beautiful home they feel comfortable in. Some items can be thrown out/recycled/given away with a simple “no” answer and other things we have to examine the story to decide what to do with it.
Many offices and workplaces are also suffering from ‘build-up’ of stuff that impedes good workflow and ease of communication in workplaces. Often we are too busy working IN the business to work ON the business, especially at our offices and workshops.
We will rid your life of any ‘stuff’ that is weighing you down emotionally, and manifest your perfect space, for creating, or relaxing, or whatever!
I have helped a bunch of clients, and some things we have done include…
- Workshopping letting go and empowerment in the face of adversity.
- Assessing possessions and memories.
- Systems and processes for better workflow
- Sort books, paperwork, filing and donate/recycle.
- Sort clothing and keep only things that fit and feel amazing.
- Move furniture around to create functional spaces with no clutter.
- Create areas you need and want in your space, such as a separate office, creative workspace, library, or majestic functional lounge room.
- Sort artwork and hang throughout the house.
- Make a pile of things to return to other people.
- Make an ongoing to-do list for your space.
- Set homework of other things to maintain personal accountability.
- Source furniture, artworks, plants or other things to transform space.
- Organise, declutter and clean office spaces so they WORK.
I can also do technical help and set up – if you have all the devices ready to go :
- Set up modem & activate WIFI with the network name and easy to recall password.
- Set up and install wireless printer/scanner, lesson on scanning.
- Lesson on using Dropbox or G Drive to hold/transfer big files.
- Lesson on using GoPro camera and app.
- Set up Instagram, lesson on posting and hashtags.
- Set up facebook, lesson on sharing content.
- Computers set up to back up to time machine and lesson given.
- Phone set to back up when connected to wifi and backed up…and more.
An 8-hour intensive onsite session at your home or workplace is $800, and you WILL be delighted with the results. Call me today to talk about activating your space or skip the cue and book in today!
“I was bogged down and unmotivated to do the simplest things with this big mess of a garage, and thought I’d have to throw loads of money at it, I was contemplating $50k large ones! But then the affable, non-judgemental Bo Kitty came in and broke it down into bite size pieces in minutes… now I’m reclaiming space throughout the rest of my life too, and saving money. It’s life training in letting go… I suffered a massive life-changing event after my garage was re-claimed, and feel I was able to cope better due to the cleaner state of my home. Now I’m up to date with all my paperwork, and no longer hang onto stuff that isn’t serving me, and ready to activate my garage into a working studio. I recommend Bo to all my friends!” – Nic Cleary
Does your home or workplace fill you with joy or dread?
Got piles of crap that you can’t sort out?
I work with you to clear your home or office of stagnant things, energy and negative vibes, and re-activate your space so that it’s a vibrant place designed for your needs that makes you go YES!
Do you merely inhabit a place instead of LIVING in it? Is your workplace cluttered or is there clear systems for storage, messaging and workflow? A Physical Space Reality Check might be what you need.
In person, eight-hour activation sessions are held at your home or office, and are intensive, covering past memory attachments, hoarding, future plans, health and wellbeing, workflow for employees, inventory systems, mindset coaching and any modality I may employ to re-energize and clear your space for a new chapter. In eight hours, we can usually complete – one room full of clutter, a small shed that is full of stuff and unusable, a small workshop or office, or a small house that is halfway there. It is all about how much stuff you have, and how much you are willing to let go of!
The work I do is not just ‘uncluttering’ although that is one obvious result. This is redefining our ‘stuff’ and our spaces, how we use them and how they make us feel. It’s soul clearing as well as throwing stuff out. Just think about it…STUFF CAN’T EVOLVE.
Many people are only half living in their spaces, they aren’t settled or they don’t think they deserve a beautiful home they feel comfortable in. Some items can be thrown out/recycled/given away with a simple “no” answer and other things we have to examine the story to decide what to do with it.
Many offices and workplaces are also suffering from ‘build-up’ of stuff that impedes good workflow and ease of communication in workplaces. Often we are too busy working IN the business to work ON the business, especially at our offices and workshops.
We will rid your life of any ‘stuff’ that is weighing you down emotionally, and manifest your perfect space, for creating, or relaxing, or whatever!
I have helped a bunch of clients, and some things we have done include…
- Workshopping letting go and empowerment in the face of adversity.
- Assessing possessions and memories.
- Systems and processes for better workflow
- Sort books, paperwork, filing and donate/recycle.
- Sort clothing and keep only things that fit and feel amazing.
- Move furniture around to create functional spaces with no clutter.
- Create areas you need and want in your space, such as a separate office, creative workspace, library, or majestic functional lounge room.
- Sort artwork and hang throughout the house.
- Make a pile of things to return to other people.
- Make an ongoing to-do list for your space.
- Set homework of other things to maintain personal accountability.
- Source furniture, artworks, plants or other things to transform space.
- Organise, declutter and clean office spaces so they WORK.
I can also do technical help and set up – if you have all the devices ready to go :
- Set up modem & activate WIFI with the network name and easy to recall password.
- Set up and install wireless printer/scanner, lesson on scanning.
- Lesson on using Dropbox or G Drive to hold/transfer big files.
- Lesson on using GoPro camera and app.
- Set up Instagram, lesson on posting and hashtags.
- Set up facebook, lesson on sharing content.
- Computers set up to back up to time machine and lesson given.
- Phone set to back up when connected to wifi and backed up…and more.
An 8-hour intensive onsite session at your home or workplace is $800, and you WILL be delighted with the results. Call me today to talk about activating your space or skip the cue and book in today!
“I was bogged down and unmotivated to do the simplest things with this big mess of a garage, and thought I’d have to throw loads of money at it, I was contemplating $50k large ones! But then the affable, non-judgemental Bo Kitty came in and broke it down into bite size pieces in minutes… now I’m reclaiming space throughout the rest of my life too, and saving money. It’s life training in letting go… I suffered a massive life-changing event after my garage was re-claimed, and feel I was able to cope better due to the cleaner state of my home. Now I’m up to date with all my paperwork, and no longer hang onto stuff that isn’t serving me, and ready to activate my garage into a working studio. I recommend Bo to all my friends!” – Nic Cleary
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Okay I'm in! Let's start sparking joy...
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