Accountability Coaching – $3,500 + GST

The Accountability Coaching package is comprised of 8 weekly calls on the phone – for people ready to be held accountable to their goals and dreams, or for those wanting to level up their businesses and ideas FAST!

All clients must complete Phase 1 before embarking on this package.

Calls last around 60 minutes, and we will go DEEP into furthering your new-found business proficiency.   Calls are once per week for the first 6 weeks. Then we take a break of two weeks, finally finishing off with two consecutive weeks. The purpose of this time off is to reduce dependency and allow you to assimilate and/or implement changes.

You can do exactly what you want to do on your coaching call. You can talk about your wins or your problems; your ideas or your dilemmas. Complaints about how life doesn’t work, or how bad people treat you are normally kept brief. If I find over time that the same painful issues continue to arise repeatedly then I may request that you work in collaboration with a therapist or counselor as well.

The Accountability Coaching package is comprised of 8 weekly calls on the phone – for people ready to be held accountable to their goals and dreams, or for those wanting to level up their businesses and ideas FAST!

All clients must complete Phase 1 before embarking on this package.

Calls last around 60 minutes, and we will go DEEP into furthering your new-found business proficiency.   Calls are once per week for the first 6 weeks. Then we take a break of two weeks, finally finishing off with two consecutive weeks. The purpose of this time off is to reduce dependency and allow you to assimilate and/or implement changes.

You can do exactly what you want to do on your coaching call. You can talk about your wins or your problems; your ideas or your dilemmas. Complaints about how life doesn’t work, or how bad people treat you are normally kept brief. If I find over time that the same painful issues continue to arise repeatedly then I may request that you work in collaboration with a therapist or counselor as well.

What I expect of my clients

I ask that you allow our relationship enough room for you to reach your goals. What that means is that you’ll be willing to tell me all of what you are thinking and feeling, and that you feel free to ask me any questions, all without the expectation that my replies will always be easy to hear. You can be totally honest with me, I can take it. 

What can you expect from me

You can expect me to be unconditionally constructive, and whatever happens during our call, you can expect me to say only things which further your life and your goals. If you are disturbed, I understand. If you are stuck, we will explore the causes together. If you can’t wait to share a victory, I will celebrate with you. In my eyes you will never be wrong, I will not criticise you, complain to you or gossip about you. Everything and anything we talk about is completely confidential.

What you can talk about

I suggest you pick up to 5 types of things from this list to discuss each week…

  • How you are feeling
  • What you are most proud of accomplishing since last time
  • The biggest professional concern facing you right now
  • The shifts or insights you’ve had since our last talk
  • Where you went further than before and did not stop
    A plan of action to accomplish a goal
  • The next goal you want to work on
    A progress report of how a project is coming along
  • The problems you had this week and how you handled them
  • Bad news
  • What you are now ready to take on
  • The skills you developed or mastered this week
  • Promises you wish to make for the next call

What I want to talk about

In addition to what you want to discuss, here’s what I’m likely to bring up and share:

  • A distinction or concept to further the discussion
  • A solution to a problem
  • Acknowledgement for an accomplishment or growth
  • A request to do something or set homework we agree on
  • Questions to promote thinking
  • Reminders for you to see how great/capable you are

How to prepare

The length of time you spend preparing for your session is up to you. Most of my clients take about 10 minutes to get things in order. So much happens during any given week that this pre-call debriefing time is helpful to get some perspective on what was happening.

Before the call: Get quiet, turn off your phone, no interruptions, be with yourself for 5 minutes. Ask yourself: “What I am pleased about that happened since last speaking with Bo?” Write down 3 things. Then, after the call, make notes of any homework set in your notebook

This program is for those who are REALLY READY to be held accountable for ALL their dreams and plans, so we can further Level Up on all areas of business and life, with me as your accountability coach and effervescent cheerleader!

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